Brad Guth
13 years ago
There’s no doubt that CFCs can reach the ozone layer, and along with
UV interact with O3, however as those CFCs tend to get nearly
cryogenic cold as would be necessary within those stratospheric polar
holes, they and other resulting molecular composites or molecular
derivatives such as heavy chlorine tend to fall back to Earth, whereas
helium remains inert and just slows down a little as it continually
migrates up and away from Earth and unavoidably gets picked by the
solar wind, that at times is considerable.
In other words, most of those natural and artificial CFCs do not
without assistance extensively linger within the nearly cryogenic (-85
C) polar ozone stratosphere, so they probably can not help to motivate
nor otherwise lubricate O3. The federal and somewhat international
enforced ban on CFCs (with exceptions of research, medical and
considerable military usage) has been extremely complex and spendy for
such an enforced policy that has provided damn little if any positive/
constructive impact towards reducing our polar ozone holes.
“Observations over the past thirty years indicate that the
stratosphere in cold Arctic winters cooled down by about 1°C per
decade on the average.”
There we have our objective proof of “global cooling”? (not hardly)
4He on the other hand does a really fine job of maintaining its
molecular integrity as it fluffs and lubricates O3 and continually
migrates upward without ever binding to nor becoming anything other
than 4He, unless ionized into a highly conducting plasma (aka
lightening) which even helps to generate O3. This ozone unbinding
seems problematic.
Of course continually wasting or rather the wholesale venting of CFCs,
as our military industrial complex had been doing for decades and is
still practicing, is never offering a good nor wholesome kind of
environmental outcome (though most of everything humans do has been
negatively impacting our environment). Therefore replacing CFCs with
alternatives that are way more spendy and in some instances worse for
the environment but getting far less wasted or wholesale vented
without any attempt at recycling is a perfectly good thing unless it’s
causing national debt, unemployment, foreclosures and essentially
taking our food, medical care and retirement off the table.
In other words, ozone holes are a bit more complex and linked to the
natural and artificial diffusion of 4He as the primary culprit, with
CFCs as a contributing factor. Perhaps solar wind ionized 4He is the
give and take method of both creating and extracting O3, and the net
result without the likes of hard science via OCO is making it so much
harder to objectively quantify.
As our planet runs low or essentially out of its geology stored
helium(4He), as well known by Big Oil and most other Big Energy
(including all those in the know within major industry and government
agencies that have been told to keep their educated mouths shut on
this one, or else they can kiss their reelections and/or appointments
of authority plus whatever grants and other funding goodbye. This way
the true skulduggery culprits can best manage to keep their loot and
authority over us, and continue to insider market trade, speculate and
hoard their hydrocarbons plus dominating other markets as they
maneuver their wealth and authority in order to take fullest advantage
of the rest of us once again after their gas and oil wells run dry and
we’re down to converting coal resources into spendy and otherwise
negative energy gas and oil hydrocarbons that’ll be even more spendy
once the all-inclusive tally is taken.
So, by no later than 2050 is when those ozone holes are going to close
for good, though not only because of CFC reductions but because of a
global lack of 4He that we haven’t developed any affordable
alternative for. In other words, this is another full blown ruse that
our Usenet/newsgroup FUD-masters are pulling on us, as a grand sting
of global proportions and purely negative consequences for those of us
non-oligarchs, and of course it’s permitting further damage to the
global environment.
I’m not so much opposed to the following science interpretation, as
I’m merely favoring that helium plays a more important role that is
consistently involved with the demise of polar ozone.
“As long as the chloride exists as molecules, there is no ozone
decomposition. But as soon as the sun rises in the arctic spring, the
chloride molecules are dissociated by the ultraviolet radiation
(Lambda less than 450 nm), that means that they are split up into
chloride atoms of great reactivity. This sets free large amounts of
chloride atoms within a short time and starts an avalanche-like
decomposition of ozone which finally leads to the formation of the
ozone hole.
So the observation of NAT clouds allows a lot of conclusions on the
chemical reactions in the upper atmosphere. In the case of the
observation present the conditions of the stratosphere are documented
rather good and there are also some other observations of similar
cloud formations of that morning and the night before from
Scandinavia. So it is not improbable that it might have been the first
photographic documentation of NAT clouds in our latitudes.”
It’s quite conceivable that our planet has been gaining less than a
couple kg/sec, while otherwise losing more than a couple tonnes per
second (extensively due to our hydrocarbon extractions and otherwise
via natural diffusion of hydrogen and helium), and at some tipping
point this ongoing reduction in mass and its ozone depletion is going
to bite us in ways we haven’t even imagined. Reducing the mass of a
planet that’s only marginally balanced as is, can’t possibly be a good
Perhaps the Oligarch obfuscation policy of “don’t ask, don’t tell” and
denial of their being in denial is as good as it’s ever going to get,
and just as likely why they foiled our OCO mission, so that their
mining excavations, wellheads and those refinery vapors plus secondary
flaring that produces multiple carcinogens in addition to CO2, and
always their continuous release of helium are not given any public
awareness (much less published in any of our K12 textbooks).
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
UV interact with O3, however as those CFCs tend to get nearly
cryogenic cold as would be necessary within those stratospheric polar
holes, they and other resulting molecular composites or molecular
derivatives such as heavy chlorine tend to fall back to Earth, whereas
helium remains inert and just slows down a little as it continually
migrates up and away from Earth and unavoidably gets picked by the
solar wind, that at times is considerable.
In other words, most of those natural and artificial CFCs do not
without assistance extensively linger within the nearly cryogenic (-85
C) polar ozone stratosphere, so they probably can not help to motivate
nor otherwise lubricate O3. The federal and somewhat international
enforced ban on CFCs (with exceptions of research, medical and
considerable military usage) has been extremely complex and spendy for
such an enforced policy that has provided damn little if any positive/
constructive impact towards reducing our polar ozone holes.
“Observations over the past thirty years indicate that the
stratosphere in cold Arctic winters cooled down by about 1°C per
decade on the average.”
There we have our objective proof of “global cooling”? (not hardly)
4He on the other hand does a really fine job of maintaining its
molecular integrity as it fluffs and lubricates O3 and continually
migrates upward without ever binding to nor becoming anything other
than 4He, unless ionized into a highly conducting plasma (aka
lightening) which even helps to generate O3. This ozone unbinding
seems problematic.
Of course continually wasting or rather the wholesale venting of CFCs,
as our military industrial complex had been doing for decades and is
still practicing, is never offering a good nor wholesome kind of
environmental outcome (though most of everything humans do has been
negatively impacting our environment). Therefore replacing CFCs with
alternatives that are way more spendy and in some instances worse for
the environment but getting far less wasted or wholesale vented
without any attempt at recycling is a perfectly good thing unless it’s
causing national debt, unemployment, foreclosures and essentially
taking our food, medical care and retirement off the table.
In other words, ozone holes are a bit more complex and linked to the
natural and artificial diffusion of 4He as the primary culprit, with
CFCs as a contributing factor. Perhaps solar wind ionized 4He is the
give and take method of both creating and extracting O3, and the net
result without the likes of hard science via OCO is making it so much
harder to objectively quantify.
As our planet runs low or essentially out of its geology stored
helium(4He), as well known by Big Oil and most other Big Energy
(including all those in the know within major industry and government
agencies that have been told to keep their educated mouths shut on
this one, or else they can kiss their reelections and/or appointments
of authority plus whatever grants and other funding goodbye. This way
the true skulduggery culprits can best manage to keep their loot and
authority over us, and continue to insider market trade, speculate and
hoard their hydrocarbons plus dominating other markets as they
maneuver their wealth and authority in order to take fullest advantage
of the rest of us once again after their gas and oil wells run dry and
we’re down to converting coal resources into spendy and otherwise
negative energy gas and oil hydrocarbons that’ll be even more spendy
once the all-inclusive tally is taken.
So, by no later than 2050 is when those ozone holes are going to close
for good, though not only because of CFC reductions but because of a
global lack of 4He that we haven’t developed any affordable
alternative for. In other words, this is another full blown ruse that
our Usenet/newsgroup FUD-masters are pulling on us, as a grand sting
of global proportions and purely negative consequences for those of us
non-oligarchs, and of course it’s permitting further damage to the
global environment.
I’m not so much opposed to the following science interpretation, as
I’m merely favoring that helium plays a more important role that is
consistently involved with the demise of polar ozone.
“As long as the chloride exists as molecules, there is no ozone
decomposition. But as soon as the sun rises in the arctic spring, the
chloride molecules are dissociated by the ultraviolet radiation
(Lambda less than 450 nm), that means that they are split up into
chloride atoms of great reactivity. This sets free large amounts of
chloride atoms within a short time and starts an avalanche-like
decomposition of ozone which finally leads to the formation of the
ozone hole.
So the observation of NAT clouds allows a lot of conclusions on the
chemical reactions in the upper atmosphere. In the case of the
observation present the conditions of the stratosphere are documented
rather good and there are also some other observations of similar
cloud formations of that morning and the night before from
Scandinavia. So it is not improbable that it might have been the first
photographic documentation of NAT clouds in our latitudes.”
It’s quite conceivable that our planet has been gaining less than a
couple kg/sec, while otherwise losing more than a couple tonnes per
second (extensively due to our hydrocarbon extractions and otherwise
via natural diffusion of hydrogen and helium), and at some tipping
point this ongoing reduction in mass and its ozone depletion is going
to bite us in ways we haven’t even imagined. Reducing the mass of a
planet that’s only marginally balanced as is, can’t possibly be a good
Perhaps the Oligarch obfuscation policy of “don’t ask, don’t tell” and
denial of their being in denial is as good as it’s ever going to get,
and just as likely why they foiled our OCO mission, so that their
mining excavations, wellheads and those refinery vapors plus secondary
flaring that produces multiple carcinogens in addition to CO2, and
always their continuous release of helium are not given any public
awareness (much less published in any of our K12 textbooks).
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”