Post by Fred J. McCallPost by Rusty ShacklefordPost by Brad GuthPost by Fred J. McCallPost by Rusty ShacklefordI like you Guth! You've become my new pet project. I want to get inside
your head.
I hope you're used to REALLY cramped spaces, because there's just not
a lot of room in there, what with all the bone and fly shit and stuff.
We know what makes him tick...
You and Rusty do threesomes?
Well, I can't speak for Rusty, but I certainly do (depending on who
the two women are).
Post by Rusty ShacklefordPost by Brad GuthI thought bipolar ZNR fags weren't supposed to be in our military
service until lately.
Who are you trying to kid, Guthball? You're not capable of
Post by Rusty ShacklefordNow come on Guth, I really want to try to understand you.
So, what is your problem with the Jews?
The same problem he has with everyone else; they're superior to him.
"The supreme satisfaction is to be able to despise one’s
neighbour and this fact goes far to account for religious
intolerance. It is evidently consoling to reflect that the
people next door are headed for hell."
-- Aleister Crowley
In other words, you guys as pretend-Atheists still have nothing
objective to offer.
On this one extremely thin-crusted ball of fire alone there's
supposedly 8.7 million species, or at least as there having been as
many variations of complex life, of which the all-inclusive species of
humanity is perhaps currently worth only 1 PPM of this global
biodiversity mass.
With at least ten fold as many planets as there are stars, and even if
only .0001% (one out of a million) of those 1e27 planets, planetoids
and moons being life sustaining capable, is still 1e21 possible
locations for complex life to have emerged and/or having whatever
directed panspermia take hold.
Obviously most of those potential other worlds of life have been
nowhere near our galaxy, much less anywhere near a thousand light
years from us. However, the odds of other complex and even
intelligent other life not existing within our current capability of
space travel seems low enough that we shouldn’t be so quick to look or
focus our best talents and resources only upon exoplanets, much less
towards other galaxies.
The extremely nearby planet Venus isn’t so anti-Goldilocks as we’ve
been informed and mainstream media indoctrinated about. You wouldn’t
want to go there in the nude or as some dumbfounded Goldilocks that
has closed mindset preconceptions about everything, but instead using
good science, physics and applied technology should make the planet
Venus quite doable. In other words, intellectual bigots and pretend-
Atheists that oddly act/react exactly like Semites need not bother
going anywhere near the planet Venus.
Here's that same old original cloudless GIF composite radar obtained
image file (as raw and not having been enlargement processed) that our
mainstream status-quo has been so deathly afraid others might actually
look at:
Loading Image...
Without even downloading the GIF monochrome image, you can still
screen zoom-in on the small area in question (less than 10% of the
composite FOV), so as to keeping the raw 1:1 pixel format and its
rather limited resolution of 225 meters/pixel, and thereby have
yourself a perfectly good look-see at interpreting whatever that sort
of 225 meter per pixel resolution has to offer, remembering that each
pixel offers a trustworthy composite of 36 confirming radar looks or
scans to begin with, and peering down at 43 degrees is what kinda
makes it into a 3D worthy image. .
Here’s one of my basic 10:1 resampled enlargements of the very same
area that I’ve pointed out to NASA and others of their Magellan team
for more than the past decade, that’s still a generic composite
derivative like their original, because it’s entirely a product of the
original SAR obtained pixel data (nothing personal added or
If you’d care to focus on anything specific, please go right ahead
and do so, because I’m not certain that my investigative and deductive
interpretation of what the image depicts is offering the best
observationology or the only deductive formulated option.
First of all, I kind of doubt the surface on average is going to be
significantly cooler than reported, however the most recent ESA data
via their Venus EXPRESS mission has been reveling surface temperature
variations plus telling of considerable atmospheric thermal
differentials that haven't been reported and/or sufficiently published
by others as having previously had essentially the same or better
science data to go by. Those polar surface temperatures could be
considerably cooler due to them strong atmospheric vortex
considerations that's causing such upper nighttime cryogenic
atmosphere to draw substantial energy away from the much hotter and
sultry or steamy lower atmosphere and that of its geothermally heated
What we have here to look at and deductively interpret is simply a
fair number of rather unusually complex geometric patterns, of
somewhat unusually unified or associated pixels forming rather complex
patterns that don't seem to be of entirely random geology
happenstance. However, there are a number of quite large and unusual
items that should be considered as natural, such as the "fluid arch"
and perhaps even that extremely large clover shaped reservoir could
easily be considered as something perfectly natural (even though the
geology of Earth offers us nothing remotely close to such size or
geometric unified complexity). However, that extensive and complex
tarmac/airstrip as offering such an unusually flat geometric item as
clearly offering a raised platform that’s situated within a
mountainous terrain, simply isn't as likely to be formed by way of any
natural geology and erosion that we know of, nor is that highly
unusual bridge item and those multiple other large scale items of
multiple rectangular quarry sites, plus having a nearby collection of
geometric shapes in a rational community like setting, of what seems
rather artificially structural and rational infrastructure worthy is
perhaps what should be closely reviewed by others to see if any or all
of those could have possibly been formed by some kind of weird natural
or conceivably unnatural processes.
You folks must also have at least as good if not a whole lot better
image processing expertise for this resampling/enlargement capability,
so please do share that better result with us, in that at least we can
be on the same page and not looking at entirely different areas. If
you need some assistance or advisements with selecting and/or
utilizing a photo enlarging process, even though most photo resampling
software is self explanatory, I’ll gladly donate my time and resources
free of charge.
If you should interpret this image as only containing perfectly
natural formations of greenhouse hot rock and depicting logical
patterns of erosion, then you must also have any number of reference
example images obtained of terrestrial geology recorded by similar
radar imaging resolution, by which that interpretation of seeing only
inert hot rock and natural erosion is based upon, and naturally we’d
like to have a look-see at whatever is within your observationology
frame of reference that gives you the necessary expertise, because you
can’t just be making stuff like that up in order to suit a given
opinion or policy.
If need be, ask others (5th graders if necessary) to see whatever they
can interpret, because at least they’ll be willing to honestly share
whatever satellite or aerial observations of weird terrestrial and
other geology that supports their interpretation of whatever the
planet Venus has to offer, because you’ll have to base such
interpretations on something other than media eyecandy and textbook
infomercials plus having a naysay kind of closed mindset isn’t exactly
helpful. If you have some other interpretation for those reservoirs
that clearly contain something fluid, and especially have any better
idea as to that large clover shaped reservoir, or explaining the
nature of that “fluid arch” would be terrific to hear about.
Otherwise, go to BradGuth.blogspot, my Google document pages or simply
contribute a new topic of your very own that’s in any way related.
Btw; at least my "Google-Usenet" and " Guth-Usenet" accounts have
remained fully functional, and for the moment they remain open to the
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”